So, with coffee and new toy in hand, I began to scan the morning headlines today, looking for nothing too deep that would make me think.
Of course, fox news is a constant source of inspiration in ridiculousness, so it is not uncommon for me to meander throughout their "journalistic integrity."
Today, I found this:
So, long story short: J Crew designer is in her magazine painting her son's toes pink. PINK. PINK.
Which spurns fox news' resident "psychiatrist" to go off on what gender norms are and how fucking important they are.
They are?
Wait, are you telling me if you little boys don't wear cowboy outfits and play with guns, they may be weird?
First of all, how weird? Are we talking John Wayne Gaycie weird? Or John Waters weird? Because if it's the latter, I'll paint my hypo-kid's toes pink and put him in a sequence gown.
The article irks me for a couple of reasons. First of all, all boys kinda act a little stereotypically gay to begin with. Don't believe me? Is that offensive? I'll put my money where my 7-year-old mouth is (gross):
Pretty clear that gender norms were loosely affixed to young Patrick. And while yes, I do presently harbor a STRONG desire to become a Nikki Minaj impersonator, I also think I'm more or less normal.
Moral of the story: Fox News, stfu- let parents parent. If you're not hurting you child, and your child is happy, who the fuck are you to judge.
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