I know, I know- it's been a while. But, there's been some good cause. From the 9th-16th, more or less, I was jetsetting all around. Locations included:
- Palo Alto for ayce Brazillian BBQ: awesomeness
- Seeing good peoples in So Cal!
- Celebrating good peoples' wedding in San Diego and seeing LLK's stomping grounds at the school that was smart enough to deny yours truly admission.
- NY
- DC
- NY again
I'm sure I've missed some details, but I'm hoping to have a more extensive blog about places visited/reviews soon!
As for this weekend, it was a most awesome staycation w/ LLK and Russ and Becky, an awesome couple that happened to have a hookup to a place in Trinidad.
For those that don't know, Trinidad is a sleepy coastal town that is stunningly beautiful. Don't believe me? Here's the view from our porch:
So Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market, Renata's (awesome crepe place) Patrick's Point State Park, and then went back to make pizza. The pizzas, one prosciuto and fig, the other veggie, both with awesome Humboldt Goat Cheese, was no laughing matter. Don't believe me?
Armed with pizza in hand, we enjoyed beer, ping pong, and a rainy night in watching the NLCS.
Honestly, it was an awesome weekend and I'm grateful to all involved. It's always nice to travel with people that are down to do stuff but also flexible. This group fit that description to the "t."
The only negative is now I'm extremely tempted to start squatting at that house in Trinidad. Sigh, yes my apt. does have a view. Sadly, it's of a domestic violence dispute that I'll appointed on.
I jest, my view is of meth deals and meth deals alone.
More to come this week!
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